Awarding and Disbursement Information

Your enrollment will determine your actual financial aid disbursement. 你的经济援助奖励信上显示的奖励金额是根据秋季和春季学期的全日制入学(联邦项目12个学分或更多,伊利诺伊州货币奖励计划拨款15个学分)估计的. 你收到的金额是根据你的实际入学情况和你符合资格的学生援助计划的要求计算的. 如果你在支付时不是全日制学生, your aid awards are adjusted accordingly. You may view actual awards based on current enrollment in your student portal.

To be considered enrolled in a course for financial aid purposes, 你必须在50%退款期结束前注册课程.

If you enroll in a course beyond the refund period, your financial aid package will not reflect that course. Students may retake courses as often as desired; however, 经济资助只会在成功完成课程后支付一次重复课程的费用.

待定的财政援助资金将记入您在商务办公室的账户,并将在课程的第三周左右应用于您的机构费用. 有足够的经济援助来支付所有学杂费的学生可以在学期开始前一周开始使用剩余的佩尔助学金的一部分在特里顿学院书店购买必要的书籍和用品.


退款将以支票的形式邮寄到特里顿学院列出的家庭住址或直接存入. 学生有责任向招生和记录办公室提供最新的当前地址.

To set up a direct deposit for student refunds, 请到出纳处索取学生退款直接存款表格. Along with the Student Refund Direct Deposit Form, 您还需要携带一张作废支票或银行对账单的复印件以及一份身份证明的复印件. 如有任何有关退款的问题,请联系收银处,电话:

Return of Federal Funds Policy

在一个学期内退学的学生可能被要求退还一部分已经申请到他们账户上的联邦经济援助. 最终获得的经济援助金额将根据学生在学期中参加的时间长短而定. Students receiving federal funds who fully withdraw, either officially or unofficially, 在学期结束之前,将接受联邦政府制定的“归还第四项援助”的计算.

第四章助学金的返还计算决定了学生在退学之前所获得的联邦基金的比例. 退课日期(最后出勤日期)将由学生正式退课决定, or as reported by the instructor in cases of unofficial withdrawal. If the student withdraws beyond the 60 percent point in the semester, 他们被认为已经获得了100%的联邦财政援助.

学生注册的课程,如果不跨越整个学期被认为是退学,如果, at the time of the withdrawal, 他们没有积极地参加另一门课,也没有提供迟上课的学期预期返回的书面确认.

超过所挣金额的联邦财政援助必须归还给联邦政府. 学院将在确定学生完全退出之日起30天内执行“归还第四项援助”计算,并在学校确定学生退出之日起45天内退还其负责归还的任何未赚联邦资金. If the student previously received a refund from financial aid, 哪些是用于教育相关的个人或住房费用, they may be required to return a portion of those funds to the college. When the college returns a student's unearned funds to the government, 他们将为收到的任何未赚退款或由于联邦资金返还而未支付的机构费用支付任何到期余额.

如果通过“第四章援助返还”计算确定已经支付给学生的联邦经济援助少于挣得的金额, 学校将在学校确定学生退学之日起不迟于45天内向学生发放退学后付款.

返还给联邦政府的资金是基于上文提到的“返还第四章”援助计算, reduce the outstanding balances in individual federal aid programs. Federal financial aid returned by the student, the parent or the college are allocated in the following order:

  • Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • Federal Subsidized Direct Loan
  • Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS)
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

If financial aid is awarded after the conclusion of the semester, 联邦助学金是根据该学期完成的课程发放的.
